Friday, May 11

I did it!

pre-race feet

Yes, it's true.  I actually ran a half-marathon!  Not very quickly I admit, and it did involve a little walking, but I FINISHED!  In 2:40:41.  Average pace: 12:16.  I was a little disappointed in that -- was hoping to get under a 12 min/mile -- but oh well.  I FINISHED!  Considering my longest run in the last two years was six miles, I'm pretty proud of myself.  And did I mention... I FINISHED!

proof :)

I was bummed that Megan couldn't be there.  I know she was disappointed, but I'm proud of her for doing the right thing and skipping it so she could study.  Next time,  I'm going to have all my kids running with me!  Or maybe I should say running ahead of me.  :)  Either way... it's going to be so much fun!

Lindsay (McEnaney) and I had a great time.  We stayed at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Columbus... it was perfect.  Right across from the convention center (where the health and fitness expo was going on, and where race packet pick-up was), and about 4 blocks from the race start.  We "carb loaded" the night before (as all real runners do!) got a good night's sleep (after watching a thrilling episode of "Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids").

This was at the starting line... Those people don't look like they're getting to run a half marathon, do they?

The race itself was a blast!  There were about 13,000 runners in all, and about 9000 of them were running the half.  We were in corral E (the slowest of the bunch), but it was perfect for me.  I actually passed some people!

snapping pics during a walk-break... is that wrong?

There were TONS of people all along the route cheering and there were lots of bands playing along the way.  It really was exciting.  Here's me crossing the finish line (couldn't even fake a smile!):

i was smiling inside :)

Lindsay finished about 20 minutes ahead of me, and it was a good thing we'd planned a place to meet afterward, because it was CRAZY!  The after party was ginormous.  We hobbled around for awhile and celebrated... visited the Yellow Tail Bubbly table a couple of times... ate a bagel... kept saying, "holy crap... we did it!"  It was awesome.

champagne celebration

There was also a Patron booth offering free shots, but we passed on those.  Eww.  Seriously?  Tequila shots after running 13.1?  I think not.

no thank you.

I did go home and take more than the recommended amount of Aleve.  I also iced my knees off and on for the rest of the day.  I really expected to not be able to walk when I woke up on Sunday, but I felt surprisingly good.  A little stiff and achy, but I kept moving all day (packing boxes and going up and down stairs at Mom & Dad's) which I think helped.  By Tuesday, I was pain free.  72 hour recovery time... not bad for an old lady!

Now I'm hooked.  13.1?  Pshaw.  Bring on the full!!  I took this week off, but next week the real training begins.  I've got a training plan all laid out, and I'm kicking Crazy Sexy into full gear.  Did I mention I subscribed to Runner's World magazine?  And I've picked out a bunch of 5Ks to do between now and October.  I'm telling you... it's addicting.  I've always said that I have no desire to run a marathon.  Now I don't just have the desire... I'm determined.

You know, it's funny... I used to hate running... now I love it.  And I have to say, I give God the glory for all of this.  I really think running is a blessing and I praise and thank Him for the ability and the desire to do it.  And for the ability to recover from it.  :)

Tuesday, May 1

call me crazy

Ok, I know it's been awhile. Things in my joyful life have been super hectic! M&C moved into their new house (March 13)...Mom & Dad are selling their home of 37 years (my childhood home) and moving into a condo...we're trying to sell ours so we can move to Cbus and be near our family...we're patiently awaiting an engagement (Andy & Alex)...and in the next six weeks, Megan and TJ will BOTH be graduating from college! A.Ma.Zing. We are so incredibly blessed.

In between all that excitement, I've tried to fit in some running. Lindsay, Megan and I are running the Cap City Half Marathon (13.1 mi.) on Saturday. Ok, Lindsay will be running. Megan and I will be doing a lot of walking. Oh least we'll get a shirt and a free beverage at the end. It is Cinco de Mayo after all!

I also signed up for the Columbus Marathon next October. Yes. That's right. 26.2 miles. (Quit laughing.) I can totally do this!  Lindsay's doing it, too, and Megan and Colin are going to do the half. So what if they're half my age?? I'm going to get TJ to run, too. Our team is named after him, so he at least needs to show up!

The Columbus Marathon has named Nationwide Children's Hospital the primary beneficiary, so we put together a team to fundraise for NCH. It's called "TJ's Crew" and we're running to honor TJ's three years of being a cancer survivor (it'll actually be closer to 4 by October)! Once blessed. You can join our team by going to Scroll down on the right and click on "support a team" and join TJ's Crew! It's easy. We've set a goal of $1500, which is totally do-able. If you want to run or walk in the race (half or full marathon), that's a separate registration. That's at And even if you don't want to be part of the race, join our team and come cheer on the runners!

I'm trying to get into shape for all this running, so I've also started the 100 Push-Up Challenge and the 200 Sit-Up Challenge. It's six weeks long. I'm only doing girly push-ups, but I hope to graduate to the manly man-ish kind after awhile. What I really want to do is yoga, but there's not room in my schedule for any classes right now. Hopefully I'll find a yoga place when we move. Maybe for now I'll get out the Wii Fit and give it a try. In my spare time.  :)

So, this crazy, sexy diet is going pretty well so far. I lost nine pounds. Then I fell off the crazy, sexy wagon for a few days and gained back two pounds. But I'm holdin' steady at -7. Woohoo! I'm actually really enjoying it. I love, love, love my green smoothies, and I'm not missing meat and dairy stuff much at all. I can't wait for all the fresh local produce to be available!

Which brings me to my next little project: my Tower Garden. (I told you my life is hectic.) My seeds have sprouted, but a few of them are really struggling...not exactly sure what to do about it. I'm hoping to put them outside in the next day or so. Hopefully the fresh air and sunshine will perk them back up! I planted a ton of different things: 2 kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, snap peas, bell peppers, hot peppers, some herbs, several different kinds of lettuce, and spinach. Yum! So cool. Hope I don't mess this up.  :) We're going to be having some fabulous salads this summer on our new patio (wherever it is)!

I'm going to try to keep up with this blogging thing. (Do I say that every time?) I love writing and it's a good way for me to journal what's going on in my world.  I have a hard time keeping track some days.

I love my family!  Love my friends!  Love my life!

Once incredibly blessed.

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.  Psalm 34:8