Saturday, June 16
run for the rainbow 2012
"Run for the Rainbow" is back! This is a really great event for a fantastic cause -- it's a family festival and 5k benefiting pediatric cancer research of The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Our team was a little bit smaller than the one we had two years ago (not enough notice). We might have been small, but we were strong! Here's a great pic of the kids:
I just love these guys! That's Colin, TJ, Lindsay (my running buddy), and Megan. Our friends Dan and Cheri Nelson also ran with us. They're so much fun...I was really glad they came again!
The whole event was a good time. The pre-race gathering for the Children's Champions (that would be TJ) at Rusty Bucket was awesome. Although it probably wasn't too smart to eat pizza an hour before the race. Or, in TJ's case, fish and chips! The race itself is a beautiful runs thru a gorgeous neighborhood in New Albany. (I'd love to walk around that neighborhood at night when I could see in the windows! Ok...that made me sound like a creeper.) The post-race "party" was fab, as usual -- Panera, Subway, Dairy Queen, Cheryl's Cookies, Starbucks (supposedly...we never saw them). Funny...I ran 3 miles, but probably gained 3 pounds. That's just not right. But overall, I'd say it was a great run and a successful event. Hope they made lots of $$ for NCH!!
Friday, May 11
I did it!
pre-race feet |
Yes, it's true. I actually ran a half-marathon! Not very quickly I admit, and it did involve a little walking, but I FINISHED! In 2:40:41. Average pace: 12:16. I was a little disappointed in that -- was hoping to get under a 12 min/mile -- but oh well. I FINISHED! Considering my longest run in the last two years was six miles, I'm pretty proud of myself. And did I mention... I FINISHED!
proof :) |
I was bummed that Megan couldn't be there. I know she was disappointed, but I'm proud of her for doing the right thing and skipping it so she could study. Next time, I'm going to have all my kids running with me! Or maybe I should say running ahead of me. :) Either way... it's going to be so much fun!
Lindsay (McEnaney) and I had a great time. We stayed at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Columbus... it was perfect. Right across from the convention center (where the health and fitness expo was going on, and where race packet pick-up was), and about 4 blocks from the race start. We "carb loaded" the night before (as all real runners do!) got a good night's sleep (after watching a thrilling episode of "Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids").
This was at the starting line... Those people don't look like they're getting to run a half marathon, do they? |
The race itself was a blast! There were about 13,000 runners in all, and about 9000 of them were running the half. We were in corral E (the slowest of the bunch), but it was perfect for me. I actually passed some people!
snapping pics during a walk-break... is that wrong? |
There were TONS of people all along the route cheering and there were lots of bands playing along the way. It really was exciting. Here's me crossing the finish line (couldn't even fake a smile!):
i was smiling inside :) |
Lindsay finished about 20 minutes ahead of me, and it was a good thing we'd planned a place to meet afterward, because it was CRAZY! The after party was ginormous. We hobbled around for awhile and celebrated... visited the Yellow Tail Bubbly table a couple of times... ate a bagel... kept saying, "holy crap... we did it!" It was awesome.
champagne celebration |
There was also a Patron booth offering free shots, but we passed on those. Eww. Seriously? Tequila shots after running 13.1? I think not.
no thank you. |
I did go home and take more than the recommended amount of Aleve. I also iced my knees off and on for the rest of the day. I really expected to not be able to walk when I woke up on Sunday, but I felt surprisingly good. A little stiff and achy, but I kept moving all day (packing boxes and going up and down stairs at Mom & Dad's) which I think helped. By Tuesday, I was pain free. 72 hour recovery time... not bad for an old lady!
Now I'm hooked. 13.1? Pshaw. Bring on the full!! I took this week off, but next week the real training begins. I've got a training plan all laid out, and I'm kicking Crazy Sexy into full gear. Did I mention I subscribed to Runner's World magazine? And I've picked out a bunch of 5Ks to do between now and October. I'm telling you... it's addicting. I've always said that I have no desire to run a marathon. Now I don't just have the desire... I'm determined.
You know, it's funny... I used to hate running... now I love it. And I have to say, I give God the glory for all of this. I really think running is a blessing and I praise and thank Him for the ability and the desire to do it. And for the ability to recover from it. :)
Tuesday, May 1
call me crazy
Ok, I know it's been awhile. Things in my joyful life have been super hectic! M&C moved into their new house (March 13)...Mom & Dad are selling their home of 37 years (my childhood home) and moving into a condo...we're trying to sell ours so we can move to Cbus and be near our family...we're patiently awaiting an engagement (Andy & Alex)...and in the next six weeks, Megan and TJ will BOTH be graduating from college! A.Ma.Zing. We are so incredibly blessed.
In between all that excitement, I've tried to fit in some running. Lindsay, Megan and I are running the Cap City Half Marathon (13.1 mi.) on Saturday. Ok, Lindsay will be running. Megan and I will be doing a lot of walking. Oh least we'll get a shirt and a free beverage at the end. It is Cinco de Mayo after all!
I also signed up for the Columbus Marathon next October. Yes. That's right. 26.2 miles. (Quit laughing.) I can totally do this! Lindsay's doing it, too, and Megan and Colin are going to do the half. So what if they're half my age?? I'm going to get TJ to run, too. Our team is named after him, so he at least needs to show up!
The Columbus Marathon has named Nationwide Children's Hospital the primary beneficiary, so we put together a team to fundraise for NCH. It's called "TJ's Crew" and we're running to honor TJ's three years of being a cancer survivor (it'll actually be closer to 4 by October)! Once blessed. You can join our team by going to Scroll down on the right and click on "support a team" and join TJ's Crew! It's easy. We've set a goal of $1500, which is totally do-able. If you want to run or walk in the race (half or full marathon), that's a separate registration. That's at And even if you don't want to be part of the race, join our team and come cheer on the runners!
I'm trying to get into shape for all this running, so I've also started the 100 Push-Up Challenge and the 200 Sit-Up Challenge. It's six weeks long. I'm only doing girly push-ups, but I hope to graduate to the manly man-ish kind after awhile. What I really want to do is yoga, but there's not room in my schedule for any classes right now. Hopefully I'll find a yoga place when we move. Maybe for now I'll get out the Wii Fit and give it a try. In my spare time. :)
So, this crazy, sexy diet is going pretty well so far. I lost nine pounds. Then I fell off the crazy, sexy wagon for a few days and gained back two pounds. But I'm holdin' steady at -7. Woohoo! I'm actually really enjoying it. I love, love, love my green smoothies, and I'm not missing meat and dairy stuff much at all. I can't wait for all the fresh local produce to be available!
Which brings me to my next little project: my Tower Garden. (I told you my life is hectic.) My seeds have sprouted, but a few of them are really struggling...not exactly sure what to do about it. I'm hoping to put them outside in the next day or so. Hopefully the fresh air and sunshine will perk them back up! I planted a ton of different things: 2 kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, snap peas, bell peppers, hot peppers, some herbs, several different kinds of lettuce, and spinach. Yum! So cool. Hope I don't mess this up. :) We're going to be having some fabulous salads this summer on our new patio (wherever it is)!
I'm going to try to keep up with this blogging thing. (Do I say that every time?) I love writing and it's a good way for me to journal what's going on in my world. I have a hard time keeping track some days.
I love my family! Love my friends! Love my life!
Once incredibly blessed.
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8
In between all that excitement, I've tried to fit in some running. Lindsay, Megan and I are running the Cap City Half Marathon (13.1 mi.) on Saturday. Ok, Lindsay will be running. Megan and I will be doing a lot of walking. Oh least we'll get a shirt and a free beverage at the end. It is Cinco de Mayo after all!
I also signed up for the Columbus Marathon next October. Yes. That's right. 26.2 miles. (Quit laughing.) I can totally do this! Lindsay's doing it, too, and Megan and Colin are going to do the half. So what if they're half my age?? I'm going to get TJ to run, too. Our team is named after him, so he at least needs to show up!
The Columbus Marathon has named Nationwide Children's Hospital the primary beneficiary, so we put together a team to fundraise for NCH. It's called "TJ's Crew" and we're running to honor TJ's three years of being a cancer survivor (it'll actually be closer to 4 by October)! Once blessed. You can join our team by going to Scroll down on the right and click on "support a team" and join TJ's Crew! It's easy. We've set a goal of $1500, which is totally do-able. If you want to run or walk in the race (half or full marathon), that's a separate registration. That's at And even if you don't want to be part of the race, join our team and come cheer on the runners!
I'm trying to get into shape for all this running, so I've also started the 100 Push-Up Challenge and the 200 Sit-Up Challenge. It's six weeks long. I'm only doing girly push-ups, but I hope to graduate to the manly man-ish kind after awhile. What I really want to do is yoga, but there's not room in my schedule for any classes right now. Hopefully I'll find a yoga place when we move. Maybe for now I'll get out the Wii Fit and give it a try. In my spare time. :)
So, this crazy, sexy diet is going pretty well so far. I lost nine pounds. Then I fell off the crazy, sexy wagon for a few days and gained back two pounds. But I'm holdin' steady at -7. Woohoo! I'm actually really enjoying it. I love, love, love my green smoothies, and I'm not missing meat and dairy stuff much at all. I can't wait for all the fresh local produce to be available!
Which brings me to my next little project: my Tower Garden. (I told you my life is hectic.) My seeds have sprouted, but a few of them are really struggling...not exactly sure what to do about it. I'm hoping to put them outside in the next day or so. Hopefully the fresh air and sunshine will perk them back up! I planted a ton of different things: 2 kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, snap peas, bell peppers, hot peppers, some herbs, several different kinds of lettuce, and spinach. Yum! So cool. Hope I don't mess this up. :) We're going to be having some fabulous salads this summer on our new patio (wherever it is)!
I'm going to try to keep up with this blogging thing. (Do I say that every time?) I love writing and it's a good way for me to journal what's going on in my world. I have a hard time keeping track some days.
I love my family! Love my friends! Love my life!
Once incredibly blessed.
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8
Friday, March 9
more week 10
One Solitary Life
He was born in an obscure villageThe child of a peasant woman
He grew up in another obscure village
Where he worked in a carpenter shop
Until he was thirty
He never wrote a book
He never held an office
He never went to college
He never visited a big city
He never travelled more than two hundred miles
From the place where he was born
He did none of the things
Usually associated with greatness
He had no credentials but himself
He was only thirty three
His friends ran away
One of them denied him
He was turned over to his enemies
And went through the mockery of a trial
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves
While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing
The only property he had on earth
When he was dead
He was laid in a borrowed grave
Through the pity of a friend
Nineteen centuries have come and gone
And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race
And the leader of mankind's progress
All the armies that have ever marched
All the navies that have ever sailed
All the parliaments that have ever sat
All the kings that ever reigned put together
Have not affected the life of mankind on earth
As powerfully as that one solitary life
Dr James Allan © 1926.
That poem was shared with us at our team meeting on Wednesday, along with a brief slide show of Ronda & Lavern's trip to Israel. So amazing. (I'm adding that to my bucket list.)
How awesome is that poem? Hard to believe that one solitary, amazing, impactful life was sacrificed for me.
This is perfect for keeping me focused during Lent.
And speaking of staying focused, here is a brief excerpt from my devotion this morning:
"We must continually maintain an adventurous attitude toward Him, despite any potential personal risk... All that is required is to live a natural life of absolute dependence on Jesus Christ. Never try to live your life with God in any other way than His way. And His way means absolute devotion to Him. Showing no concern for the uncertainties that lie ahead is the secret of walking with Jesus."
("My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers)Showing no concern for the uncertainties that lie ahead. Wow. Can I do that? Am I willing to do that? I'd love to say, "Absolutely!" But I know that there is no way I could ever do this on my own. It will only be through the power of the Holy Spirit that I will ever be able to live this way.
Heavenly Father, fill me with an adventurous attitude toward You. I know that I cannot live my life with You in any other way than Your way. Holy Spirit, help me to be absolutely dependent on and devoted to Jesus. Help me to walk with Him daily, without worry or concern for the uncertainties that lie ahead. Lord, you are in control and I am so grateful. Thank you for loving me, Father. Amen.
Wednesday, March 7
week 10
"The underlying foundation of the Christian faith is the undeserved, limitless miracle of the love of God that was exhibited on the Cross
of Calvary; a love that is not earned and can never be."
-- Oswald ChambersLove this quote from my devotion this morning. A great reminder of God's amazing grace.
So... week 10... lots going on.
TJ leaves for Ireland today! Wow. I must admit I have totally mixed emotions. Worry (of course... I am his mom after all)... anxiety... excitement... jealousy :) I know he is going to have a fantastic time and I'm so excited that he's getting to have this amazing experience. And I'm so grateful to all of our family for blessing him with financial support for this trip. I can't wait to hear his stories and see his pics! In the meantime, I'll be covering their team in prayer for the next 11 days. Lord, bless them and keep them; make Your face shine upon them and be gracious to them; Lord, lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace.
More later...
Friday, March 2
more week 9
I actually ran twice this week... yay for me! Hope I survive my 8 mile long run on Saturday. I'm slowly getting use to my new running shoes (or lack there of, I should say). My foot muscles are a little achy, but I'm hopeful that will pass as I increase my running and walking. Only 9 weeks until the Cap City Half Marathon!
I've decided to put a team together for the Columbus Marathon in October.
They announced that Nationwide Children's Hospital will be the beneficiary this year -- it's now The Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon -- so I'm going to do some fundraising and try to get involved with the Children's Champions. I'm going to work on getting more info this weekend. I think it'll be really fun... especially once we live over there.
Still no news on M&C's house... more waiting. The family that came through our house last weekend decided to pass (not enough land), so we've contacted the Colyers and there should be a sign going up in our yard any day now. Woohoo!
I took several Instagram pics this week, trying to catch up on my photo-a-day list for February. I didn't so so well over the month (must improve that in March). I think it kinda defeats the purpose if you do them all in one day. :) Here are the few I took on Thursday. I think I'll call it quits for the Feb list and move on to March.
Sushi with Karen on Thursday... bummed to find out our fabulous coupons for Yamato aren't good anymore. They said we can go online and exchange them, so we're trading them in for some yummy pizza place in Kettering that Karen found. I like pizza better than sushi anyway, so it's all good.
No mentoring Friday night -- our friends are passing some cruddy illness around their family -- so we're hanging out with Teej and maybe A&A. Storms are coming... great night to stay home. Totally weird weather. Did I mention that it was in the sixties this week? I didn't think to capture the temp until evening, but here it is -- 60 degrees at 6:45pm IN FEBRUARY!!
Makes me a little nervous about what our spring and summer will be like. Probably snow.
Dinner with Teej & Hubby at Los Mariachi's... ummmm... bean dip & guac. Saw lots of fun people there -- Debbie, Stephanie & Alison Kelly... Suzanne & John Collins... Dan & Cheri Nelson (every Friday!)... and Curt, of course, stopped at two or three other tables to say hello to people that I didn't know. I seriously think he knows about 80% of the people in Springfield. Anyhow, always a fun time with my boys.
Ok, so it's 8pm on March 2 and it's almost sixty degrees! What happened to the "plummeting temperatures" we were suppose to get? And the storms?
Hope I didn't just jinx us.
I've decided to put a team together for the Columbus Marathon in October.
They announced that Nationwide Children's Hospital will be the beneficiary this year -- it's now The Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon -- so I'm going to do some fundraising and try to get involved with the Children's Champions. I'm going to work on getting more info this weekend. I think it'll be really fun... especially once we live over there.
Still no news on M&C's house... more waiting. The family that came through our house last weekend decided to pass (not enough land), so we've contacted the Colyers and there should be a sign going up in our yard any day now. Woohoo!
I took several Instagram pics this week, trying to catch up on my photo-a-day list for February. I didn't so so well over the month (must improve that in March). I think it kinda defeats the purpose if you do them all in one day. :) Here are the few I took on Thursday. I think I'll call it quits for the Feb list and move on to March.
blue (my mother's favorite color) |
inside my bathroom cabinet (I know... what the heck?) |
inside my closet (the actual closet is too messy to post, so you get the inside of the closet door.) |
No mentoring Friday night -- our friends are passing some cruddy illness around their family -- so we're hanging out with Teej and maybe A&A. Storms are coming... great night to stay home. Totally weird weather. Did I mention that it was in the sixties this week? I didn't think to capture the temp until evening, but here it is -- 60 degrees at 6:45pm IN FEBRUARY!!
Makes me a little nervous about what our spring and summer will be like. Probably snow.
Dinner with Teej & Hubby at Los Mariachi's... ummmm... bean dip & guac. Saw lots of fun people there -- Debbie, Stephanie & Alison Kelly... Suzanne & John Collins... Dan & Cheri Nelson (every Friday!)... and Curt, of course, stopped at two or three other tables to say hello to people that I didn't know. I seriously think he knows about 80% of the people in Springfield. Anyhow, always a fun time with my boys.
Ok, so it's 8pm on March 2 and it's almost sixty degrees! What happened to the "plummeting temperatures" we were suppose to get? And the storms?
Hope I didn't just jinx us.
Tuesday, February 28
week 9
TJ WAS SELECTED FOR THE INTERNSHIP WITH THE COLUMBUS CREW!! Wow. I am so proud of him... and so excited! He is going to love it and they are going to love him. If he gets a job with them at the end of this, he will be living a dream. TJ has been such a "good and faithful servant" and I am grateful for God's faithfulness and the ways He is blessing TJ right now. You're gonna rock this thing, Teej!!
Monday, February 27
more week 8
Super fun day with Megan!!
The poor little thing was sick on Tuesday and Wednesday, but felt well enough on Thursday to hang out with her old mother. :) We ran a few errands first and then we met Alex at her apartment and followed her down to her mom's office. After waiting an hour for Alex to find her way back from her parking place (hehe... not really an hour!) we went in and the girls submitted their paperwork/applications to sit for the nursing boards... woohoo! A sign that the end is in sight!
Alex's mom, Carol, works there so she walked them through the process, and then we had lunch together at Caffe Daniela's. Delish. We had such a nice time!
I really like Alex's mom. We discovered that we grew up about a mile apart in Upper Arlington... small world! I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.
After lunch, Megan and I shopped a little... not a lot of success (probably a good thing), but we had a blast! Then we headed over to Mom & Dad's for a little visit. Nurse Megan changed the dressing on Mom's hand (ew) and after visiting for awhile, we went to Noodles & Co. for dinner.
Dad was fixing drinks when we finished ordering, so I actually got to pay... that NEVER happens! I was so excited! Mom & Dad are incredibly generous like that, which is so nice, but I love it when I get a chance to treat them.
Mom & Dad were going condo shopping with their realtor on Friday, so I'm anxious to hear how that went.
After mentoring Friday night, Hubby and I played cards with Andy & Alex... always a blast. After two games of euchre it was 1-1 (old folks vs. youngsters) and I suggested a rub match, but Andy was "too tired." We all knew he was just afraid they'd lose. Ha. After they left, Hubby and I bowled. Of course. :)
Saturday we spent the day cleaning out The Lodge and getting the house ready to show. The family that my friend Michelle referred to us came out to see the house... mom, dad, and 5 kids! They were sweet and the kids LOVED the place, but we couldn't get a good read on the mom & dad. We'll see.
I guess that's it for week 8.
Oh yeah... I decided that my commitment for Lent would be to catch up in reading the 365-Day Chronological Bible. I just started on Feb 24, so I have 95 days of readings to complete in the 40 days of Lent. Totally doable. And I'm psyched to be reading the Chronological Bible... very cool "big picture" perspective.
Better go read.
The poor little thing was sick on Tuesday and Wednesday, but felt well enough on Thursday to hang out with her old mother. :) We ran a few errands first and then we met Alex at her apartment and followed her down to her mom's office. After waiting an hour for Alex to find her way back from her parking place (hehe... not really an hour!) we went in and the girls submitted their paperwork/applications to sit for the nursing boards... woohoo! A sign that the end is in sight!
almost done!! |
Alex's mom, Carol, works there so she walked them through the process, and then we had lunch together at Caffe Daniela's. Delish. We had such a nice time!
I really like Alex's mom. We discovered that we grew up about a mile apart in Upper Arlington... small world! I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.
After lunch, Megan and I shopped a little... not a lot of success (probably a good thing), but we had a blast! Then we headed over to Mom & Dad's for a little visit. Nurse Megan changed the dressing on Mom's hand (ew) and after visiting for awhile, we went to Noodles & Co. for dinner.
Dad was fixing drinks when we finished ordering, so I actually got to pay... that NEVER happens! I was so excited! Mom & Dad are incredibly generous like that, which is so nice, but I love it when I get a chance to treat them.
Mom & Dad were going condo shopping with their realtor on Friday, so I'm anxious to hear how that went.
After mentoring Friday night, Hubby and I played cards with Andy & Alex... always a blast. After two games of euchre it was 1-1 (old folks vs. youngsters) and I suggested a rub match, but Andy was "too tired." We all knew he was just afraid they'd lose. Ha. After they left, Hubby and I bowled. Of course. :)
Saturday we spent the day cleaning out The Lodge and getting the house ready to show. The family that my friend Michelle referred to us came out to see the house... mom, dad, and 5 kids! They were sweet and the kids LOVED the place, but we couldn't get a good read on the mom & dad. We'll see.
I guess that's it for week 8.
Oh yeah... I decided that my commitment for Lent would be to catch up in reading the 365-Day Chronological Bible. I just started on Feb 24, so I have 95 days of readings to complete in the 40 days of Lent. Totally doable. And I'm psyched to be reading the Chronological Bible... very cool "big picture" perspective.
Better go read.
Wednesday, February 22
week eight
who knew??
I will be putting this on my calendar. hehe. :)
Sunday was another day of painting. LOTS more painting... getting ready for Jamie and Jeff to come take a tour and tell us what our house is worth.
Hubby and I both had the day off on Monday (Presidents' Day). Thank goodness, because we still had lots to do to get the house ready. We finished up the painting and did a crazy-quick clean up... the place looked pretty darn good!
Jamie and Jeff Colyer (our realtors) came over -- great time hanging out with them! They look very dignified in this picture, but they're not. Haha! (just kidding, J&J)... That's why we like them. :) Anyhow, they are amazingly helpful and gave us pretty good news about the house, so I'm really excited! Just a few more little things to get finished and then it'll be time to put a sign in the yard! Hard to believe.
Tuesday didn't start out too well (stinky allergies) but it ended up being a great day. I spent the afternoon in Xenia at an event called COPE.
The Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) is a 3 hour poverty simulation experience that gives you a little glimpse into the life of those living below the poverty line everyday in our community. It helps you realize the obstacles that are faced, the decisions that are made and the consequences that impact these families every day. It was so interesting. I think high school seniors should be required to do this. Very eye opening.
Today, I ran 3.5 miles, went to work, took a little nap :), then went to Applebee's with Sandy and Robert. After dinner we went to the new Christian bookstore, Beacon of Hope -- it's awesome! -- and then to church for Ash Wednesday worship. What's my commitment going to be for Lent this year? I have lots of ideas, but I need to pray about it.
My devotional verse this morning was "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10). Be still. Be still with God. Still my mind... still my thoughts... still my mouth... just be still. And be with God. That's a good place to start Lent.
Tuesday, February 21
blogging backwards
Whoa. I've really been terrible about this. I'm making a commitment to myself right now (and to my one reader -- hi, Megan) to write something daily. Something. I'm trying to figure out why I don't write more... probably because it usually feels like my day wasn't worth writing about. Not that my days are bad or sad, just not "blog worthy." And sometimes I just get too busy. But hey, this writing is for my own benefit and memory keeping, and I want to remember the slow times just as much as the crazy fun times. So I'm definitely going to try. Maybe I need more a organized writing schedule... something specific to write about for each day. Hmmm... I'll work on that.
Today I'm going to try to catch up. Just jotting down bits and pieces of the last few weeks. Between my calendar and the pictures I've taken, I should be able to piece it together (goodness knows my 46 yr old memory can't do it on it's own!).
Here goes my attempt at blogging backwards.
Katie B's birthday (love her... must call)
Los Mariachi's for lunch w/C, A&A
drove around UA looking at houses
met M&C for yogurt at Orange Leaf
hurried home for AFV... no golf cart video. bummed.
met w/Megan K, Hillary R, and Criss R @ Panera... love my JP+ team!
got my nails done (first time in awhile)... beeyouteefull :)
ran 4m
went to Yamato with Hubby for Valentine's Day... sushi... yum!
spent evening bowling and playing words w/friends (we're old)
w&w w/Karen: yummy shrimp & salad, watched american idol & housewives of wherever
supposed to have breakfast w/Sz & Soph... postponed to next week :(
ran 3m
volunteered @ CitiLookout, helped K w/table decorations
Los Mariachi's w/Lori
cleaned house - prep for realtors to come
Colin came over and helped Hubby w/projects
music practice @ Grace ("contemporary" service)
RAN 6 MILES w/Lindsay McEnaney (new running buddy!
painted main bathroom, M's room, my office... neutralizing for future home buyers
Los Mariachi's w/Hubby
ate McDonald's... terrible and delicious!
brother Dave's 49th bday... last year till the big five-oh!
dinner w/Karen, Michelle & Cathleen @ Cotters'... "game night" w/o the games... super fun!
M&C made an offer on a house!! So cute!! Now the waiting begins...
Thursday & Friday:
MRC Sweetheart Dinner & Dance w/Pruetts... lots of pics... very cool registration process... tried tofu... new iPad game "Farkle" (thank you, Joy)... Hubby did Electric Slide w/me... great night!
Sophie's 6th bday
TJ still home :)
TJ's big interview w/Columbus Crew (summer internship position)... all grown up!
Saturday: I think this is the day we went through some houses in UA w/Colin and their realtor... looking for a house for Hubby and me... yipee!
Ok. This is sad. It seems as though I was doing nothing a few weeks ago. However, I think I just can't remember what I did that "long ago." Totally pathetic. Another good reason to get into a good blogging habit/schedule.
Now... if I could just get caught up on my Project Life book...
Today I'm going to try to catch up. Just jotting down bits and pieces of the last few weeks. Between my calendar and the pictures I've taken, I should be able to piece it together (goodness knows my 46 yr old memory can't do it on it's own!).
Here goes my attempt at blogging backwards.
week 7 (feb 12-18)
Sunday:Katie B's birthday (love her... must call)
Los Mariachi's for lunch w/C, A&A
drove around UA looking at houses
met M&C for yogurt at Orange Leaf
hurried home for AFV... no golf cart video. bummed.
met w/Megan K, Hillary R, and Criss R @ Panera... love my JP+ team!
got my nails done (first time in awhile)... beeyouteefull :)
ran 4m
went to Yamato with Hubby for Valentine's Day... sushi... yum!
spent evening bowling and playing words w/friends (we're old)
w&w w/Karen: yummy shrimp & salad, watched american idol & housewives of wherever
supposed to have breakfast w/Sz & Soph... postponed to next week :(
ran 3m
volunteered @ CitiLookout, helped K w/table decorations
Los Mariachi's w/Lori
cleaned house - prep for realtors to come
Colin came over and helped Hubby w/projects
music practice @ Grace ("contemporary" service)
RAN 6 MILES w/Lindsay McEnaney (new running buddy!
painted main bathroom, M's room, my office... neutralizing for future home buyers
Los Mariachi's w/Hubby
week 6 (feb 5-11)
Sunday:drove around UA w/megan, looking at houses, dreaming... can't wait! ate McDonald's... terrible and delicious!
brother Dave's 49th bday... last year till the big five-oh!
dinner w/Karen, Michelle & Cathleen @ Cotters'... "game night" w/o the games... super fun!
M&C made an offer on a house!! So cute!! Now the waiting begins...
Thursday & Friday:
MRC Sweetheart Dinner & Dance w/Pruetts... lots of pics... very cool registration process... tried tofu... new iPad game "Farkle" (thank you, Joy)... Hubby did Electric Slide w/me... great night!
week 5 (jan 29-feb 4)
Sunday:Sophie's 6th bday
TJ still home :)
TJ's big interview w/Columbus Crew (summer internship position)... all grown up!
Saturday: I think this is the day we went through some houses in UA w/Colin and their realtor... looking for a house for Hubby and me... yipee!
Ok. This is sad. It seems as though I was doing nothing a few weeks ago. However, I think I just can't remember what I did that "long ago." Totally pathetic. Another good reason to get into a good blogging habit/schedule.
Now... if I could just get caught up on my Project Life book...
Monday, January 30
week four
Back on the diet. I did some serious "fallin off the wagon" over the weekend, so I've got some catching up to do. Time to EAT TO LIVE again... I really did feel better when I stuck to the plan. And I really felt like crap when I went off the plan. Who knew you feel so much better when you quit putting junk in your body?!
OK. I got a new computer at work, and... Are you ready for this??? ... It's a Dell. Yikes! Yes, you read that right. I will always be a Mac fanatic (I'm writing this on my iPad, which I love!) but I'm actually kinda glad to have the PC for work. I can now get on the shared drive, print to the big fabulous printer, and lots of other things that I couldn't do when I was the only one with a Mac. It is definitely going to take some getting use to, and i've already found some things that are easier (and better) on the Mac... But I'm not going to complain. I'm happy to leave my MacBook pro at home, safe and sound, to be used for all of my fun stuff... like this.
This has been a great week, full of good time with good friends sprinkled here and there. Fun with Karen on the weekend... Los Mariachi's with Lori on Wednesday (margaritas in our "nazarene booth")... coffee with Lisa on Thursday... lunch with Meggie B, Megan K, and Criss also on Thursday (JP+)... and coffee with Meredith on Friday. Ok, Mere and didn't actually drink any coffee, but we hung out at Un Mundo for almost two hours. :) Good times!
Friday: Teej & Keeley came home.
We met T&K and A&A at Los Mariachi's Friday night (twice in one week!) for dinner...then played cards (Shang Hi... I lost miserably).
Cinci on Sat for Marg & Soph's bday party... Such sweet girls. Growing up way too fast!
I love my family...but I miss my girl. I wish Megan & Colin could be with us more, but they're working crazy hours right now and I'm really proud of them. I know the time will come -- probably once Megan graduates -- I'm just impatient (shock). It's hard on a momma when her babies grow up. :)
OK. I got a new computer at work, and... Are you ready for this??? ... It's a Dell. Yikes! Yes, you read that right. I will always be a Mac fanatic (I'm writing this on my iPad, which I love!) but I'm actually kinda glad to have the PC for work. I can now get on the shared drive, print to the big fabulous printer, and lots of other things that I couldn't do when I was the only one with a Mac. It is definitely going to take some getting use to, and i've already found some things that are easier (and better) on the Mac... But I'm not going to complain. I'm happy to leave my MacBook pro at home, safe and sound, to be used for all of my fun stuff... like this.
This has been a great week, full of good time with good friends sprinkled here and there. Fun with Karen on the weekend... Los Mariachi's with Lori on Wednesday (margaritas in our "nazarene booth")... coffee with Lisa on Thursday... lunch with Meggie B, Megan K, and Criss also on Thursday (JP+)... and coffee with Meredith on Friday. Ok, Mere and didn't actually drink any coffee, but we hung out at Un Mundo for almost two hours. :) Good times!
Friday: Teej & Keeley came home.
We met T&K and A&A at Los Mariachi's Friday night (twice in one week!) for dinner...then played cards (Shang Hi... I lost miserably).
Cinci on Sat for Marg & Soph's bday party... Such sweet girls. Growing up way too fast!
I love my family...but I miss my girl. I wish Megan & Colin could be with us more, but they're working crazy hours right now and I'm really proud of them. I know the time will come -- probably once Megan graduates -- I'm just impatient (shock). It's hard on a momma when her babies grow up. :)
Thursday, January 19
week three
Back to a pretty routine week. Working. Relaxing. Doing chores. Knitting. Watching Housewives. :) Oh, and American Idol. I know... I'm pathetic.
In between loads of laundry and chopping vegetables (yes, we're still doing that vegan thing), I've been practicing with my camera and with Instagram and 1000Cameras. I've learned that Instagram only makes square final images, so if an image doesn't fit well into a square, go with 1000Cameras. I also really like the frames you can put around the pics on Instagram. I really like both apps. Both are fun, just have different features.
this is with 1000Cameras |
this is with Instagram |
Here are my precious pups. They are seriously lazy... didn't even flinch when I got out the camera.
Bella on her favorite pillow (1000Cameras) |
Queen Bella (Instagram) |
Conner (best first dog ever!) |
nice profile :) |
I got a couple of nice shots outside during the snow today... it was beautiful!
view from my front door today |
sideyard |
I love snow. And I love a good blizzard. Bring it on!
I played with Hubby's Christmas present this afternoon -- a microwave, oil-free chip maker. I made sweet potato chips (Hubby's favorite)...they taste pretty good sprinkled with cinnamon, but they don't look too great. I'll take pics of the process once I get it mastered. I also want to try regular potato chips (salt-free) and dried fruit. Yum. Hope Hubby likes them!
Hoping to get snowed in tonight. :)
...some ice, snow, and crummy roads :/ ...missed Hubby (he was at a church council retreat in London, OH)...hung out with Karen...finished knitting projects...watched "Babel" (brad pitt)...stayed in jammies ALL DAY...watched lots of Housewives of Beverly Hills...ate Cousin Vinny's pizza (not on vegan diet)...watched "Funny People" (adam sandler)...drank yummy "fruit smoothies" my tail kicked in Wii bowling by KG...
And another great week.
week two
Hi ho, hi ho, it's back to work I go!
This week was crazy busy at work. Lori and I have a new office (with four walls and a door that closes!) so I spent a lot of time getting things organized. One of my favorite new discoveries is this fabulous little label maker.
You can actually select a font, size, border, etc. And check out the snazzy little labels (that are now on everything in my office!):
Don't let this fool you into thinking that I'm organized. Oh no. I just like doing crafty things like making labels. Just being honest. :)
I have several great pictures from this week. This one is a picture of Hubby that I found from our trip to Charleston last fall. More Instagram fun.
OK, I know this isn’t from 2012, but Thursday (Jan 12) was my sweetheart’s birthday and this is one of my favorite pics of him. Isnt he handsome? I made this the wallpaper on my iPhone. Love it. Love him. Happy birthday honey!!
Poor guy had to work late on his birthday, so Karen and Linney took me to Yamato for my very first sushi… It was DELISH!!
Friday was my hubby's big 60th b-day surprise...
There's nothing he likes more than spending time playing with all the kids. Since they'd all gone back to work, school, etc after the holidays, I told him I'd just take him out for a romantic date-night bday celebration. But the kids all came home and surprised him by being at the restaurant with balloons and gifts (including his very-own iPad and accessories), followed by some REAL bowling! It was a fantastic night... I wouldn't have changed a thing.
The pictures pretty much say it all.
We have the most amazing kids. I can't tell you the joy I felt looking around, watching my family loving and laughing with each other.
We are so blessed.
This week was crazy busy at work. Lori and I have a new office (with four walls and a door that closes!) so I spent a lot of time getting things organized. One of my favorite new discoveries is this fabulous little label maker.
Don't let this fool you into thinking that I'm organized. Oh no. I just like doing crafty things like making labels. Just being honest. :)
I have several great pictures from this week. This one is a picture of Hubby that I found from our trip to Charleston last fall. More Instagram fun.
OK, I know this isn’t from 2012, but Thursday (Jan 12) was my sweetheart’s birthday and this is one of my favorite pics of him. Isnt he handsome? I made this the wallpaper on my iPhone. Love it. Love him. Happy birthday honey!!
Poor guy had to work late on his birthday, so Karen and Linney took me to Yamato for my very first sushi… It was DELISH!!
beautiful! |
Karen doesn’t like getting her picture taken… Can you tell? |
There's nothing he likes more than spending time playing with all the kids. Since they'd all gone back to work, school, etc after the holidays, I told him I'd just take him out for a romantic date-night bday celebration. But the kids all came home and surprised him by being at the restaurant with balloons and gifts (including his very-own iPad and accessories), followed by some REAL bowling! It was a fantastic night... I wouldn't have changed a thing.
dinner at Bonefish Grill |
![]() |
best meal in a long time! |
![]() | |
great little bowling alley in Hilliard |
reading notes from family and friends |
blowing out candle on bday no-bakes |
overwhelmed |
Andy & Alex |
Teej & Keeley |
Colin & Megan |
l.o.v.e. this |
We have the most amazing kids. I can't tell you the joy I felt looking around, watching my family loving and laughing with each other.
We are so blessed.
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